Saturday, September 6, 2014

#Betrayal Day - Calming the Beast

Yesterday, for me was ‪#‎Betrayal‬ Day times a thousand. Ok, Maybe a little over dramatic, it even might seem petty....but sometimes it just crashes around you. Yes, I post things on Facebook - I am Not the Only one that does this - it is called 'VENTING'.
Some may judge me for it, some may get angry at me for it, some may make fun of it, AND Some (even the one that you hold the closest to you) will talk behind your back and text friends telling them that You are in need of mental help....... ‪#‎Whatever‬.
But the REAL Ones, will 'GET IT'' & will contact me directly....not to ask questions.....But just to BE THERE WITHOUT JUDGEMENT......Sometimes that is ALL anyone needs - especially from their loved ones.
Last night I got that.....from my Girls....the Girls I went to Palm Springs with........they were the ONLY ONES that reached out to me......Without Judgement......they were just simply THERE ......and you know what? That is ALL I calmed the beast in me and made me feel better. A BIG THANK YOU TO MY GIRLS! I LOVE YOU FOR THIS! OXOX ‪#‎AllINeeded‬ ‪#‎PalmSpringGirlsForLife‬! ‪#‎LifeChanging‬


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