FREE, Local & Loving it!!
my car last year & to be honest, I don`t miss it at all -being away
from traffic = less stress......HOURS of more time for my Life instead of
wasting away on freeway......saving money by not buying gas, repairs,
registration fees, car payment, insurance, etc......spending money locally,
investing in MY community, supporting the Mom & Pop stores here in
town......knowing my neighbors better......Enjoying the Sights, Sounds and
Local Events/Places........getting more FREE exercise by walking &
biking More........if I need to go anywhere far, here where I live, we
have Plenty of Options: $1.25 Passport Bus, Transit Bus, Water Taxi,
Cabs, Pedi-Cabs........and if I totally HAVE to go further, I can always Rent a
Car, which I do when I really need to......which is not often and still
ends up being cheaper and so worth all of the above!
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