Monday, February 20, 2012

Still swatting at the Vultures while Grandma is Sick in the Hosital again.

Read it from the Beginning here:

UPDATE: Grandma in hospital again -Not good -family flying in -Picking out dress & caskets -I was supposed to Shoot 2day -trying Not 2think about it -but it`s tough.
My Grandmother Raised me - so she was like a Mother to me as well as my best friend.
Grandma having hard time breathing -doesn`t want life support -she refuses 2eat -she is trying 2stave herself -says she wants 2die.
I have full make-up on because I was going 2shoot 2day -in a Funk -just sitting here waiting 4updates -eating Combo`s snack crackers.
l should do something -but I don`t wanna do anything but go back 2bed -but l better snap out of this & be productive somehow.

All the while my Evil Aunt (my grandmother`s youngest daughter), the Vulture is hovering, I am trying to ignore it for Grandma`s sake. It will be difficult during the funeral. I know that evil Aunt will find a way to make it all about her. I can see it now, her blubbering, sobbing, hysterically crying, making a scene in a sad attempt to bring the attention and sympathy towards her.

I will post updates here in this post, so keep checking.

Tuesday Feb. 21st 2012:
I called my Cousin who was at Hospital today. My Grandmother is eating and getting up on her own! Yesterday, News of my Grandma was Very Grim -2day the News is Very Good -this is not the 1st time - Both my Grandma & Hubby share this trait!
On a Superficial Brighter Note: Making my Hubby Hot Sausage Gumbo in the Spirit of Fat Tuesday - Happy Mardi Gras!

UPDATE: Feb. 23rd 2012: My Grandmother is doing better - She is out of hospital and in nurses care at her Asst. Living Home - My Cousin from Texas flew in and is Watching Over Her right Now.

UPDATE: Feb. 26th 2012: My Brother & his daughter picked up Roy & I and took us to Visit Grandma. My Good Aunt, Uncle, Cousin from Texas was there with well as my Evil Aunt. When we saw her, we decided to leave the Evil Aunt alone with grandma so she can visit and not be to over-whelming for we all went out for Lunch. When returned, Evil Aunt was gone and grandma was sleeping. We still gathered around and visited with her. Grandma awoke a few times to hold my hand. While we were in Grandma`s Room - my cousin noticed something missing from Grandmother`s room. We asked the nurses and sure enough, my Evil Aunt Stole something from Grandma`s Room!! The Nurses said they not only seen it with their own eyes, but they have camera`s for proof. The nurses did not stop the Evil Aunt because they didn`t know that what was happening at the time. The Nerve of her, my Evil Aunt is my Grandmother`s youngest Daughter - I don`t know how you can steal from your own mother, let alone your sick old mother......she is a Vulture!

Update March 1st 2012:
Latest Evil Vulture Aunt News: Admits to Taking Grandmother`s Prayer Box from her Room, but claims that Grandmother told her to take it. I was there Saturday, Grandmother was in No Frame of mind to say such a thing --and Us who were around her know this -and besides, Grandma Needs her prayer box more in her room than us who are healthy!! Grandma tells me to take things sometimes when she is well, But I am Not Greedy & I am wise enough NOT to Take Things From Grandma. - Everyone who Visits Grandma BRINGS things to Her - Only my Evil Vulture Aunt TAKES things from my Grandmother`s Room!

Evil Vulture Aunt also says the Reason 'Her' Kids & Grand Kids do not visit grandma is because 'they' have to work! Hello??? We have to work as well. Hec, my Cousin fly`s in from Texas!!

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